Срочно ДЗ на завтра (Прикрепил)



Ответ дал: taehyungmina


b) Jamaica's Elaine Thompson is the fastest woman in the world.

c) Elvis Presley was one of the most popular singer of all time. (нельзя поставить окончание -est, поэтому пишем most)

d) The oldest man in the world is Mbah Gotho, from Indonesia, who is 145 years old.

e) Bill Gates-head of the Microsoft-is the world's richest man.

f) This is one of the most expensive paintings. (нельзя поставить окончание -est, поэтому пишем most)

Ответ дал: slyuda1955

b the fastest

c the most popular, the most important

d the oldest

e the richest

f the most expensive

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