complete with the present simple of the verbs in brackets
1.anna:_____(you/play) sports, Jenny?
Jenny:No, i don't. I_____(not/like) sports

2.brenda: what_____(Mandy/do) in her free time?
Brain:She_____(make) model planes.

3.Cathy:_____(you/help) with the housework at the weekend?
Denise:Well,I______(sometimes/help) my mum do the washing.
Cathy:_____(your brother/help) too?
Denise:No.He______(not/do) housework.But he________(always/wash) the car on Fridays.​


Ответ дал: kuzenkovedgar


1. Do you play / I dont like

2. What Mandy does / She makes

3. Who do you help / I sometimes help

Does your brother help / He doesn't do / always washes


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