4 ACTIVATE Follow the steps in the writing guide. Notes: Jim Carrey Name: James Eugene Carrey Height: tall Started performing: in his teens as a comedian First big film: 1994 (Dumb and Dumber) Awards: Dumb and Dumber (for comic performance); over 20 awards for acting O WRITING GUIDE A TASK Write a profile of Jim Carrey or a performer of your choice. B THINK AND PLAN Read the notes about Jim Carrey. What information do you want to put in each paragraph? Paragraph 1: name, Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: C WRITE Write your profile and follow your paragraph plan. Use the model text and the key phrases. D CHECK . past simple verbs description vocabulary • spelling and punctuation 51 Drama and comedy​


Ответ дал: akramovamumina43


Comedian and actor Jim Carrey was born in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, on January 17, 1962. Сarrey relocated to Los Angeles to pursue comedy, eventually landing a spot on the sketch comedy show In Living Color. He went on to huge box office success in comedies, including Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and The Mask, and delivered acclaimed dramatic performances in The Truman Show, Man on the Moon, and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. His later films include Kick Ass 2 and Dumb and Dumber To.

Zaskamili: правильно?
akramovamumina43: да я это здала учительнице она сказала правильнл
anuarserzhan058: спс
akramovamumina43: не за что ✊
akramovamumina43: не за что ✊
akramovamumina43: не за что ✊
anelbakir46: спасибо
akramovamumina43: не за что ✊❤
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