Помогите пожалуйста с английским очень нужна ваша помощь
Change the given sentences into plural. Use the verb in the correct form.

1) My brother knows one foreign language. My _____ three
2) A bird is singing in a tree.
3) After eating the cake my tooth aches badly.
4) Do you know that a pumpkin is a berry?
5) There is a book on the shelf.
6) My neighbour has got a little puppy.
7) May put a plate, a fork, a knife, a spoon and a glass of water on the table.
8) The boy was watching a monkey in the cage.


Ответ дал: sssaint

1) My brothers know three foreign languages

2) Birds are singing in a tree

3) After eating the cake my teeth ache badly

4) Do you know that pumpkins are berries?

5) There are books on the shelf

6) My neighbours have got little puppies

7) May put plates, forks, knives, spoons and glasses of water on the table

8) The boys were watching monkeys in the cages

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