Помогите пж Стих про Родину или Казахстан на английском ​


Ответ дал: gareevarozalia776


Kazakhstan - the native land 

Very because we love you. 

Sea, mountains, dal steppe- 

This is my Motherland! 

How great is my land, 

How wide is its vast expanses 

Lakes, rivers and fields, 

Forest and steppe, and mountain. 


He circled the hundred lands. 

Circled, and passed round, 

Wings, legs натрудил. 

We asked crane: - 

Where are the best land? - 

He answered, flying: - 

Better to have none of the native land!

или же можно

Kazakhstan - the native land 

Very because we love you. 

Sea, mountains, dal steppe- 

This is my Motherland!

Ответ дал: malichevavaleria


My homeland, my light, called Kazakhstan. In our future, you are comfortable, On the planet you are a giant ... We will live, rejoicing in the sun, Proudly looking into the past, What we had to overcome without looking back. We will be proud to tell you how we took the first step. And the flag will remain in blue gold, the Independent country.

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