Задача 2. Выберите будет, собирается или представляет непрерывный.
Task 2. Choose will, be going to or present continuous 1. They ________ (buy) a new computer 2. I think my father _______ (like) this song 3. Andrey’s sister _______ (have) a baby 4. We ________ (travel) to Moscow in April 5. He _______ (meet) with his brother 6. - I can’t hear the TV! - I ________ (turn up) it, so you can hear it. 7. Hey! You _______ (fall), so be careful! 8. There aren’t any good movies on TV right now, so I thing I _____ (watch) the football match.
помогите пж дам 20 баллов​


Ответ дал: shugilakyzaibai


1) are going to buy

2)Will like

3)is going to have

4)will travel

5)is going to meet

6)I will turn up

7)are going to fall

8)will watch


Думаю что правильно

zhumabayevtemirzhan: 9. Look at the clouds! It _____ (rain) soon.
zhumabayevtemirzhan: можеш ещё на этот ответить я просто не вписал
shugilakyzaibai: it is going to rain
zhumabayevtemirzhan: спасибо
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