Complete with the Past Continuous of the verb: in brackets.
She ... (sleep).
Jill's grandparents ... (fly) to Paris.
It ... (snow) in Hiwaii.
Jill's dad ... (stucy) some brochures about computers.
Jill's friend ... (cut) her hair in a bathroom.
I ... (to play tenn s) yesterday at 5 o'clock.
She ... (not /to te ich children) yesterday at 5 o'clock.
They ... (to listen to teacher) yesterday at 5 o'clock.
He ... (to do homework) yesterday at 5 o'clock?
We ... (not /to re:id a book) yesterday at 5 o'clock.
You ... (to learn new words) yesterclay at 5 o'clock?


Ответ дал: Jeiniiiiiii

Was sleeping

Were flying

Was snowing

Was stucying

Was cutting

Was playing tennis

Wasn't teaching children

Were listening to the teacher

Was doing homework

Weren't reading a book

Were you learning new words

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