ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО!! Сочинение по плану про любую умершую знаменитость (кроме Альберта Энштейна)
Look at the plan below.
Para 1: name, who he was, where/when born (... was... He was born.... He was one of the most famous)
Para 2: early years (As a child..... At the age of .... When he was)
Para 3: later years, achievements (In..... years later...)
Para 4: where/when he died, your thoughts/feelings about the person (... died on... in.... He was....) ​


Ответ дал: aminakozonalieva


Michael Jackson was a famous singer, he was born in 1958 on August 28, in Gary, Indiana, USA.

he was the seventh of nine children, growing up with three sisters and five brothers.

On August 29, 2008, the King of Pop celebrated his 50th birthday. on the eve of this date, he admitted that he is in excellent shape - he does not adhere to any special diet and does not play sports so often, and is more creative than ever.

I was always drawn to it, keeping somewhere in mind what I wanted to do – raise children, have children. I really enjoy it."

Michael Jackson died in 2009 in California, of a heart attack. he was buried in Forest Lawn. as for me he was a good and kind man who achieved high success

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