составить 7 предложений с фразовым глаголом look
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misterpi127: А обязательно look? Или можно watch?


Ответ дал: misterpi127


1)What are you looking at? 2)Look out of the window and answer the question. 3)Look, don’t look away. 4)The girl is looking into the sky. 5)Look around and name the thing that you see. 6)Let’s look out of the window. 7)

Look out! It’s gonna blow.

Вот надеюсь помог

Ответ дал: egoomnovagooydya


1.You look great today

2.You need to look great to go to the theater

3.My mom looks so beautiful

4.A guy told me that I look attractive

5. Look at this puppy, he is so cute

6. Look at this painting in our museum

7.See what our wonderful books look like

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