Variant 2 Put the verbs in the brackets into the right forms of the Present Simple Tense: 1. 2. waters 3. At the weekend I .... I always .... ( to help) Mummy about the house. helps Dad..... (to walk) the dog every evening. walks (to water) the flowers, and my brothers ....... (to clean) the rooms. teana .... Jane Smith ..... (to speak) English? streaks.. ) ? Don't give him chocolate. He ...... (not / to eat). dont cate Can you help me? I. (not / to know) the way to the market. 7. My daughter Mary ... (not / to like) apples, but she... (to like) oranges. don't Mes tikes whes 4. 5. als noux nolu 6. lives to live) in Kiev. Put the verbs in the brackets into the right forms of the Present Simple Tense: Lives 1. ....... your brother .... (to live) in Moscow? – No. Hel... - (to live) in Kiev. sounds 2. It. It ........ (to sound) interesting. 3. Bad news .... (to travel) fast. likes 4. My parents often ...... (to go) to the theater. They ... (to like) it very much. goes, ( 5. you (to keep) to any special diet? - Yes, I usually ....... (to have) meat only once a week. 1 ...... (to eat) lots of fruit and vegetables. ...... ...... 6. Bob ......... (not/ to want) to become a vet.​


Ответ дал: tolybaevaulzhan30


  1. helps
  2. walks
  3. waters
  4. cleaned
  5. speaked
  6. not eat
  7. not known
  8. not like
  9. liked
  10. lives
  11. sounds
  12. traveled
  13. go
  14. keeps
  15. wants
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