Choose the correct answer.

Укажите правильный вариант ответа:

1. I (made или maked) a cake for my son.

2. We (haved или had) a big house nears the bridge.

3. They (buyed или bought) a new car.

4. I (taught или thought) English last year.

5. Sue (drunk или drank) a cup of coffee.

6. She (loosed или lost) her key.

7. My father (feed или fed) the dog.

8. We (goed или went) to the cinema.

9. She (won или win) a gold medal.

10. My mother (saw или seen) her best friend at the café.

11. He (done или did) her homework.

12. They (took или taked) the train to go to London.

13. She (rode или rided) her bike under the rain.

14. They (made или maked) pancakes for Shrove Tuesday.

15. She (came или comed) alone at the party.​


Ответ дал: Goroux
1. Made
2. Had
3. Bought
4. Taught
5. Drank
6. Lost
7. Fed
8. Went
9. Won
10. Saw
11. Did
12. Took
13. Rode
14. Made
15. Came

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