1)напишите предложения в вопросительной форме
1.My grandparents live with us.
2.She works at a hospital.
3You are in the room.

2) напишите предложения в отрицательной форме
1.the teacher comes to the technical school in the morning
2.I get up seven o'clock


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1. Do your grandparents live with you?

2. Does she work at a hospital?

3 Are you  in the room?

1 The teacher doesn't come to the technical school in the morning.

2.I  don't get up seven o'clock.


iriskabusmakina: а разве не "at seven o'clock"?
ayziyajumagulova123: прив
ggarko: спемемкмкмкмкмкмаучцч ума умкпк_
Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1. Do my grandparents live with us?

2. Does she work at a hospital?

3. Are you in the room?

1. The teacher doesn't come to the technical school in the morning.

2. I don't get up at seven o'clock.

Аноним: зппомпшлиа fghjvdguihdrugxd6hcfh7hrhrhrhrbdueiei
nasibullinasgat30: турга к т е ну б ри ри
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