VI. Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. I can’t understand what you … (are/were) talking about.
2. When I saw Kitty, she … (is/was) making sandcastles.
3. When mum came home, Dan … (is/was) watching TV.
4. Look! A rainbow … (is/was) appearing in the sky.
5. Tell me, Jane, what you … (are/were) thinking about when you … (are/were) writing the test yesterday.
6. The children … (are/were) having fun now.
7. When I met Mr Brown, he … (is/was) travelling about Great Britain.
8. I … (am/was) staying in a cosy hotel in Brighton now.
9. Where are they? – They … (are/were) doing the picture gallery.
10. Dad … (is/was) listening to the news at 10 o’clock yesterday.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 are 2 was 3 was 4 is 5 were-were 6are 7 was 8 am 9 are 10 was


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