Помогите плиз раскрыть скобки в предложениях
1. The program she ______ (to watch) for some time suddenly stopped.
2. What’s going on? What’s all that noise? – Sorry. My flat ______ (to redecorate).
3. I’m fed up. I _____ (to keep) waiting for half an hour! I’m not going to stay here any longer.
4. He moved to a new flat in September and _____ (not to call) me ever since.
5. I can’t stand her! She _____ (constantly / to throw) her things about the room.
6. If I _____ (not to be rude) to him yesterday, we _____ (not to quarrel).
7. Everyone _____ (to be able to do) it if it _____ (to be) so simple.
8. I wish you _____ (to be) there with us.
9. The exhibition _____ (may close) last month if they _____ (not to find) new sponsors.
10. If they _____ (to finish) the work yesterday, they _____ (to be) free now.
11. We don’t want our planet _____ (to pollute).
12. I don`t know what Mark`s doing. He may _____ (to study) in his room.
13. Is Mrs Miles still in the garden? – Yes, she must _____ (to work) in the garden since morning.
14. Ali seems _____ (to be) ill a lot lately.
15. Steve is known _____ (to help) them when they were in trouble.


Ответ дал: yasyrovas2
is redecorating
Hasn’t called
Constantly threw
Wasn’t rude , wouldn’t quarrel
Will be able , is
Might close , didn’t find
Finish , are
have been working
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