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Ответ дал: Reymi1

Task 4.

1. Surf the net — d) to look for information on the computer

2. Alarm system — e) A machine that signals danger

3. Brilliant — c) Very intelligent

4. Mystery — b) a story about crime

5. Convenient - A) comfortable

Task 5.

1. Knitting

2. Area

3. Imagination

4. Creative

5. Creative

6. Fresh

7. Initials

8. Solve

9. Beard

10. Outdoors

Task 7.

1. I would like to live in a city. Even though it's way more busier than a country, you get easier access to a lot of things.

2. Take cover in shade of trees or hide in the house.

3. I prefer Fantasy, Detectives and historical, through first is my absolute favourite

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