9 Correcting mistakes

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a. I can't find my pen. Have you got her? it

b. How long they have been married?

c. The man which came with Jane is her husband.

d. He ran until the end of the road.

e. That picture didn't be painted by Monet.

f. Hans comes from German.

g. Volvos are make in Sweden

h. He wasn't choosen for the job.

i. When were they come to Japan?

j. Faust wasn't written from Shakespeare. ​


Ответ дал: sydykbaevarakhat


a.have you got it.

b.how long have they been married?

c.the man who came with Jane is her husband


marinematinyan35: ну хоть чтот спасибо
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