Fill in the necessary form of the verb in Present Perf 1. My teacher ... already ( already ... to Dubai. (be) 2. They still where to travel to. (decide) 6. ... your cousin a Science project yet? (make) ** a Cup in the debate. (win) Students ..just


Ответ дал: shkolnik228777221223



Fill in the necessary form of the verb in Present Perf 1. My teacher ... already ... to Dubai. be 2. They still where to travel to. decide 6. ... your cousin a Science project yet? make a Cup in the debate. win Students ..just

aldiarsabyr3: сдохни
shkolnik228777221223: Ага ага
aldiarsabyr3: иди наxyu
shkolnik228777221223: Окей
aldiarsabyr3: умная сучka
shkolnik228777221223: Ага ага, успокоился?
aldiarsabyr3: да
aldiarsabyr3: спасибо огромное
aldiarsabyr3: теперь пошел нахуu
shkolnik228777221223: Окей
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