a) Listen and repeat. What are these jobs in your language?
hairdresser, vet, footballer,
photographer, teacher, nurse,
secretary, mechanic, pilot

b) What does each person do at work?
Use the phrases to write or say

• do people's hair

•look after sick animals

• take photographs

• repair cars

•fly planes

•look after sick people

•play football

• type letters

•teach children

A hairdresser does people's hair.
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Ответ дал: zetoko

a) hairdresser - парикмахер

vet - ветеринар (вет-врач)

footballer - футболист

photographer - фотограф

teacher - учитель

nurse - медсестра

secretary - секретарь

mechanic - механик

pilot - пилот


A vet looks after sick animals

A footballer playing football

A photographer takes photographs

A teacher teaches children

A nurse looks after sick people

A secretary types letters

A mechanic repaires cars

A pilot flyes planes

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