Card 3. prepare an individual talk on the topic 'our countryside' the following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) what is the most interesting part of your hometown/village? 2) what jobs are popular in your hometown / village? 3) is your home town / village changing? 4) 4) is it a good place to live? why? 5) what can you change to make it better to live in?

Умоляю помогите​


bigfix19: Ты тупой
bkrva77: Пожалуйста покажи всю
bkrva77: Сор
bkrva77: Я просто болела и завтра сдаю точно такую же соч но мне одноклассники показали только спикинг


Ответ дал: ernurdaulethan611


What’s the most interesting part of your town/village?

I think the people are the most interesting part of a village or town. Citizens of an area determine how the area would look like, how the roads and gardens would look like and many more aspects apart from the natural beauties of an area.

What jods are popular in your home town /village





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