Упражнение 4. Используйте some, any, no, every u ux производные. something anything nothing everything somebody anybody nobody everybody somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere 1. I wonder if they found 2. Can you get me to eat, please? 3. He doesn't live anywhere/ nowhere. 4. I can do the job alone. I don't Give me book you like. 6. I've hardly been since need, to help me. last holiday, 7. Would you like 8. I have more coffee? to read this night. 9. Why are you looking under the table? Have you lost. 10. I can't find cards Perhaps they are in the drawer.​


Ответ дал: nanakushtanashvili6


1. Can I have any milk in my tea?

2. Can I have anything to drink?

3. Are there any chess players here?

4. Is there anybody who can play chess here?

5. I saw somebody near the wood that looked like a tent.

6. Somebody left a textbook in our classroom yesterday.

7. I am not a perfectionist. Everything is perfect in this world.

8. Where are you going? – I am not going anything

9. It so happened that he had nowhere to go. (не оч уверена)

10. We’ve got nothing to eat, we’ve got only something to drink.

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