Ex. 6. Choose the right preposition.

1. My books, pencils and notebooks arq (over/with/on) the table.

2. I am sitting ( for/ between / under) Polly and Pete.

3. Sue, where are you? I can't see you! - I'm ( in front of/ next to / behind ) the tree. 5 We get up (on/ 11/210j2q ) 7 o'clock (in/ after /at) the morning.

4. I'm going (to/in/across) the theatre (up/with/ for) my friends today.


Ответ дал: MikhailPol


1 On (ручки, книги мои, тетради лежат на столе)

2. Between (я сижу между Полли и Пети)


3 In front of

4.1 To (я собираюсь идти в театр)

4.2 With (с моими друзьями)

5. On

5.2 At (с morning и night используем at)

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