Task 3. Choose ONE of the topics below. Follow the tips for writing.
Answer all the questions.
Spell topical vocabulary accurately.
Use prepositions of time, location and direction.
Topic 1. Our countryside. Think about your home place (home town or village) and
write some information about it.
1) Where do you live? Write about its location.
2) Do you like this town / village? Why?
3) What is your favourite place in this town / village? Where is it located?
4) What can you do in your home town / village? Write about some winter or summer
activities and sports. Живу в Павлодаре помогите пожалуйста у меня соч


Ответ дал: gelae35



Task I. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple

1. The children often (run) in the playground.

2. Diana usually (cook) dinner at home.

3. His best friend (not call) his in the evening.

4. Dilnaz (eat) butter and bread?

5. Victoriya usually (visit) her grandmother on Sundays

chingizzhasbulatov: Это верно
chingizzhasbulatov: .?
gelae35: да
shakimovalisher60: пи#да
viktorsalmenov76: хаха
kutubaevadilara241: ууу заскамил мамонта
ebolatbekkyzy: УХУ
zibekkamarlanova: ЭТО ПРАВИЛЬНО?
zibekkamarlanova: АУ
shaikamalovat: naid
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