3. Mark the suitable noun. The cats like .... a) mice 6) mouse B) mices mouses No 4. Mark the proper form of the verb: My classmates ... on picnic every month. . a) will going B) going r) go
No 5. Mark the proper form of the verb: My parents ... eat meat. a) don't 6) aren't B) doesn't r) are
No6. Mark the correct word, The treaty between Iran and Kyrgyzstan was ... yesterday. a) conquered 6) signed B) competed r) won
No7. Give Your Reply to: Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest hotel? a) Is this a hotel? 6) I'm sorry, I don't know. B) I don't know where to get off. r) I can't get the hotel.
No8. Mark the correct word. She ... in biology. a) is interesting 6) has interesting B) is interested has been interest MO 11​


Ответ дал: yourexpert77


3. a

4. r

5. a

6. 6

7. 6

8. b...

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