Task 1. Write superlative adjectives in the gaps Example: Marriott is the most expensive hotel in the city. (expensive) 1. Marriott is the  hotel in the city. (expensive) 2. The church is the  building in the town. (old) 3. Excuse me, where’s the  pharmacy? (near) 4. This is the  book I’ve ever read. (boring) 5. Who is the  singer in your country? (popular)
Пожалуйста помогите!!!!​


Ответ дал: Sa1rox


the crunch is the old building

excuse me where's near primacy

this is the boring book

who is the popular singer in your country

alimzanovaasecka: Спасибо
Sa1rox: поставь лучший ответ пж
Sa1rox: мне надо
alimzanovaasecka: Не получается :(
alimzanovaasecka: А так бы с удовольствием
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