Помогите с контрольной.
1. Mr. Green __ at the University since 1989.
a) has been teaching
b) has been taught
c) is teaching

2. A new book __ by that company next year.
a) will be published
b) is publishing
c) will publish

3. A prize __ to whoever solves this equation.
a) gives
b) will be given
c) will be giving

4. The house __ by a pop star.
a) bought
b) have bought
c) was bought

5. Have you any idea who is going to __ at the meeting?
a) tell
b) speak
c) say
d) talk

6. First of all I'd like __ a few words about my background.
a) tell
b) speak
c) say
d) talk

7. Wait a bit! I have something to __ to you about.
a) tell
b) speak
c) say
d) talk

8. The book is beautifully __ on good quality paper.
a) printed
b) published
c) typed

9. He __ her hand into the bag in hope to find the old notebook there.
a) pulled
b) pushed

10. To turn on the television you __ tis button.
a) pull
b) push

11. I want my phone number __ because people often get the wrong number.
a) having changed
b) being changed
c) changed

12. I heard him __ something from the opposite side of the street, but I pretended not to hear.
a) shouted
b) having shouted
c) shouting

13. Mrs. Green doesn't explain things well. Her explanations are __ .
a) being confused
b) confused
c) confusing

14. Julia sat __ in a corner of the sofa looking extremely miserable.
a) having hunched
b) hunched
c) being hunched

15. The girl was sitting with her back to the window, her head half __ .
a) being turned
b) having been turned
c) turned​


Ответ дал: maralmagjan


1.A)has been teaching

2.A)will be published

3.B)will be given

4.C)was bought







11.B)being changed




15.A)being turned

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