Variant 1

1.Complete the sentences. Use: found / century / diary / cards / resort

Did Prince Dolgoruky … Moscow?

My sister writes something in her …….. every day.

Brighton is a famous …….. in Great Britain.

I always send greeting……..…. to my friends.

Moscow was founded in the 12th ……. .


2.Choose the words to complete the sentences.

There are (a lot of/little) books in the library.

The country hasn’t got (many/a lot of) cities.

There is (little/few) time for the test.


3.Choose the right words in the brackets to complete the sentences.

Everybody goes shopping and I go shopping…….. (too/either).

Ted didn’t go to Scotland when he was on holiday and Sam didn’t go there…… (too/either).

There is a fountain in the square and there is a fountain in the park……. (as well/either).


4.Choose the words to complete the sentences.

I don’t know (which/who) is this man.

This is the book (whose/which) she reads.

I like the place (where/when) I live.


5. Complete the sentences

Is Dad at home now? (I would like…)

Is she reading a book now? (I want to know….)

Can Ann play tennis? (I don’t know….)


6.Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Mark and I like New Year. At New Year shops are full of people. They look for the best presents for family’s members and friends.

We usually start to decorate our house on 20th December.

The weather on New Year’s Eve isn’t too cold. But sometimes it can be snowy and at this time everybody is happy and can play snowballs.

My mum gets up early in the last morning of the old year and begins to prepare for holiday. She makes special dish. We help her and that’s why I and my sister clean the house. Father at this time usually watches old films on TV and goes to the baker’s to buy bread and sweets for us.

I like New Year because our family gathers together in the living-room and we exchange presents. At 12 o’clock we listen to our president, than we go to the street to watch fireworks display. It’s my best holiday.

I wish you happy New Year!


What this text is about?

When do they start to decorate the house?

What can you say about the weather on New Year’s Eve?

Why does Mike like New Year?


Ответ дал: BAGamer


1. found, diary, resort, cards, century

2. a lot of, many, few

3. too, either, as well

4. who, which, where

5. I would like to talk with him; I want to know who will kill the main hero.; I don't know anything about this.

6. This text about the New Year.; They start to decorate their house on 20th December.; It isn't too cold, but it can be snowy.; Because his family gathers together in the living room and they exchange presents.


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