Поставь вопросы к предложениям.Начни со слов,которые даются в скобках. 1)Miss chatter got a lot of postcards on birthday.(what). 2)Last year the winter was cold and snowy.(when). 3)Yesterday tiny wrote a Christmas card to his friend Billy.(why). 4)Jill's cake was tasty and nice(was). 5)He ran very well the day before yesterday.(Hom). 6) They lived in a small honse(Did)

Anzhelika22: заранее спасибо
selyankaira: что такое Hom?


Ответ дал: nunny
1) What did miss Chatter get?
2) When was the winter cold and snowy?
3) Why did Tiny write a Christmas card?
4) Was Jill's cake tasty and nice?
5) He ran very well the day before yesterday.(Hom).- здесь опечатка
6) Did they live in a small honse?

selyankaira: Во втором предложении не может быть was 2 раза
nunny: Спасибо! Уже заметила и исправила.
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