Written Test 6th form Semesteri. 1.Find odd-one-out(2 p) a) hockey, football, boring b) hard-working, brutal, kind c) uncle, aunt, sister d)classroom, teacher,cinema 2. Choose the best word.(5 p) 1.She likes travelling. She wants to be... a) actor b) manager c) traveller 2.Paul can speak German.... a) well b) good c) better 3. ....is your aunt now?-She's in Kyiv. a) who b) where c) what 4. This laptop is not yours. You...take it. a) can b) must c) mustn't 5. I have a toothache. You ....consult a dentist. a) may b) should c) can 3. Group the words into 3 columns.( 2p) Gymnastics, canoe, football, chess, karate, basketball. Play Go Do 4. Write question word to the inderline words.(2 p) a) Lily works as a doctor. ( when, who, why) TI a> tavastinghy when he​


Ответ дал: sansik694


1. A) Boring. B) Kind. C) Sister. D) Cinema.

2. 1-C) Traveller. 2-C) Better. 3-B) Where. 4-A) Can. 5-B) Should.

3. ???

4. Who does Lily work for?

Я не уверен что все правильно.


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