8. Who ... "There Men in a Boat" ......?
a) has ... been written with
b) was ... written by
c) are ... written by

9. My computer ... repaired since last month, so I can't help you find information you ask for.
a) has been repaired
b) is being repaired
c) was repaired

10. The child ... by a man who ran away.
a) hit
b) was hit
c) had hit

11. The patient... by the doctor and ... to hospital.
a) examined; was taken
b) was examined; was taken
c) was examined; took

12. Linda ... a lot of flowers on her birthday last month.
a) gave
b) was given
c) has been given

13. How often ... the latest news . . .? — Every half an hour.
a) is ... broadcast
b) are ... broadcast
c) is ... being broadcast

14. The chief said that the contract ... the next day.
a) will be signed
b) would sign
c) would be signed

15. Tables are made . . . wood and are covered . . . plastic.
a) in; by
b) of; with
c) from; by


Ответ дал: yurevabby


8 b

9 b

10 b

11 b

12 b

13 с

14 a

15 b


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