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Ответ дал: roBeatsfan

3) 1. Have lived , since

2.haven't sen , since

3.has worked , for

4.haven't visited , since

5.haven't cleaned , for

6.has stayed , since

7.haven't spoken , for

8. hasn't been , for

4) 1. How long have Marta and Ania owned this cottage?

2. I have lived in the suburbs for three weeks.

3.I love the countryside. How long have you been here?

4. Karol, have you done the ironing?

5. Bob, look! Monica has come round to visit us.

6. I haven't spent Christmas with my family since 2015.

7. I have known her for ten years.

8. Sarah hasn't got any money left because she has bought

a new flat.​

5) 1. We moved to Ankhara for two years

2. I haven't seen Mark since Februrary.

3.Annette has had cooker since last week.

4. Dad hasn't made any furniture since about 2014.

5. I have known my neighbour for ages.  

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