Topic 2. Read the beginning of the story and create your continuation

Kyle and Steve were on board of the spaceship, the destination of which was Mars. Suddenly Kyle looked out of the window and noticed something big with lost of flashing lights coming towards their ship. The ship's radio began to make noise and everybody was warning for something to happen. Then a little window at the end of the ship opened and a small green creature appeared as if it was warning outside. "An alien! " - Kyle shouted but people didn't hear him. Помогите пожалуйста срочно.


Ответ дал: 1mpuls349


1)People saw this alien and began to run away in different directions.

2)Kyle reassured all people, and then they went up to the alien and surrounded him.

3)The alien turned out to be kind of he knew the human language and could talk. As a result, people with him became friends and learned a lot of good things.



1)Люди увидели этого иноплонитяна и начали убегать в разные стороны.

2)Кайл успокоил всех людей,и потом они подошли и инопланетянину и окружили его.

3)Инопланетянин оказался добрым он знал человеческий язык и мог разговаривать.В итоге люди с ним подружились и узнали много чего хорошего.

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