1. Choose the correct answer.. you advertise your product, you can't sell it.
a) if
b) unless
c) although
d) until
2. Change the Direct speech into the Indirect speech. John said: "We will go to the picnic next month"
a) John said that they would go to the picnic next month.
b) John said that they will go to the picnic next month.
c) John said that they are going to the picnic next month.
d) John said that they went to the picnic next month.
3. Choose the correct answer. This museum is very famous in this town. It is worth.
a) visited
b) visit
c) to visit
d) visiting​


Ответ дал: defaultcube


1) unless ( пока вы не ... )

2)a ( will в косвенной речи меняется на would )

3) c ( to be worth to do sth - быть стоющим чтобы сделать что-то - используется инфинитив с to)

versachexdior: Спасибо огромное♡ вы мне очень помогли
defaultcube: всегда рада, пожалуйста
defaultcube: ⊂((・▽・))⊃
Ответ дал: eh5951
1. b
2. a
3. a
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