Fill the gaps with one of the words below:

fumes, entertainment, pace, neighbours, within, distance, reconnect, shortage, stress, yearn for

Примечание: заполните пропуски в тексте словами из списка: fumes, entertainment, pace, neighbours, within, distance, reconnect, shortage, stress, yearn for. В ответе напишите только 3 слова или слова с предлогом через запятую. Точку в конце ставить не нужно. Обратите внимание на образец оформления ответа.

Example answer: fumes, entertainment, pace

On the other hand, in the country you can escape the noise of traffic and the (1) ________of crowds. You normally don’t rush in the countryside. The (2) _________of life is slower, more thoughtful. You slow down, but if you are up for it, that also allows you to better (3) ________ with your true self.


Ответ дал: tucktuk



Stress, pace, reconnect

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