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Ответ дал: tucktuk




On 8th October I sent you an order for a

1. *set* of five computer programs which you had advertised in the October

2. *issue* of 'Computer World'.

Although your advertisement

3. *promised delivery* within 28 days, 6 weeks have now

4. *passed* and I have still not received the programs. You must have received my order as the £ 70 I paid by cheque has been

5. *deducted* from my bank account.

Would you please look into this

6. *matter* for me and send my order without

7. *further delay*.


Two weeks ago I sent you a letter inquiring about my order of 8th of October for five computer programs which had not arrived.

I have received no

8. *reply* to my letter and the programs have still not been delivered. I must ask you, therefore, either to send my order immediately or to

9. *refund* my payment of £70.

I hope I shall not be

10. *obliged* to take this matter any further.


Thank you for your letter of November 23rd.

We 11. *regret the delay* in

12. *despatching* your order for the five computer programs.

Unfortunately, we had problems with our new computerised system for

13. *dealing* with orders and, as a result, your order was

14. *mislaid*.

artfilisity: Спасибо большое
tucktuk: Пожалуйста
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