1 Choose the correct Item. A on CA) some Cany He always ....... at 7 o'clock. A is getting up B has got up C gets up 1 Ann ...... to Paris in 1991. A has moved B moved C moves 2 We haven't heard from him ... months. A since B yet © for 3 He goes to work ...... taxi. B by C in we go out tonight? A Shall B Will Have 5 You .... cross the street without looking first. A mustn't B don't have to couldn't 6 He's wearing uniform A- an a 7 There are two ...... of bread on the table. A packets B bars C loaves 8 He...... his car a month ago bought B buys C has bought 9 IfL...... you, I'd eat less sweets. A am has been C were 10 ...... is Ted? In his bedroom. Where B What C Who 11 Mum ... while dad was digging in the garden A cooks B is cooking was cooking 12 you lend me £10, please? A Shall B Could C Must 13 Look at him! He ...... across the street. is running Bruns Cran 14 This is ...... umbrella. A Mary B Mary's C Marys 15 There aren't ...... flowers in the vase. B no 16 ...... left first?" "Peter." A What B Who C Which 17 I haven't got ...... bread. B much C lot of 18 He...... to work since Monday. won't come B didn't come C hasn't come 19 I promise I...... you a new sweater. А am going to buy B bought C will buy A many​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


He always ....... at 7 o'clock. C gets up

Ann ...... to Paris in 1991.  B moved

We haven't heard from him ... months. С for

He goes to work ...... taxi. B by

we go out tonight? A Shall

You .... cross the street without looking first. A mustn't  

He's wearing uniform  C a

There are two ...... of bread on the table.  C loaves

He...... his car a month ago А bought

If I ...... you, I'd eat less sweets.  C were

...... is Ted? In his bedroom. A Where

Mum ... while dad was digging in the garden C was cooking

you lend me £10, please? B Could

Look at him! He ...... across the street. A is running  

This is ...... umbrella.  B Mary's

There aren't ...... flowers in the vase. C any

...... left first?" "Peter." B Who

I haven't got ...... bread. B much

He...... to work since Monday. C hasn't come

I promise I...... you a new sweater.C will buy


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