Ex. 3. Use the verbs in brackets to write sentences. Use Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous. 1. He (to do) his homework for 2 hours before his mother came 2 Ms. Brown (to work) as a teacher for ten years before she left his job. 3. 1 (to wait) for 15 minutes when the train arrived. 4. I got a bad mark for my test because I (to make) a lot of mistakes in it. 5. Olga looked tired because she (to clean) her room all day, 6. Tom and his father were very hungry because they (to do) the gardening all day 7. He (to drive) for 6 hours when suddenly the car broke down. 8. I didn't get a good mark because I (to leave) my exercise-book at home. 9. By 7 o'clock the rain (to stop) 10. Jane was late because she (to miss) the bus. without lunch.​


Ответ дал: alekssmyschlyaeva

Ответ:1. He had been doing his homework for 2 hours before his mother came 2 Ms. Brown had been working as a teacher for ten years before she left his job. 3. 1 Had been waiting for 15 minutes when the train arrived. 4. I got a bad mark for my test because I had made a lot of mistakes in it. 5. Olga looked tired because she had been cleaning her room all day, 6. Tom and his father were very hungry because they had been doing the gardening all day 7. He had been driving for 6 hours when suddenly the car broke down. 8. I didn't get a good mark because I had left my exercise-book at home. 9. By 7 o'clock the rain had stopped 10. Jane was late because she had missed the bus.  Насчет 10го не уверена только

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