Exercise 5. Поставьте глаголы, указанные в скобках в PRESENT SIMPLE .
Every morning Mrs. Green (come) downstairs into the kitchen. First she (do) the washing-up from the previous day. She (turn) on the cold tap, and (fill) the kettle. When the water (boil), she (make) tea into a mug. She (not use) a cup and saucer. She (put) some breakfast cereal into a bowl, and (take) a jug of milk from the fridge. She (put) some sugar in her tea with a teaspoon and (stir) it. Then she (put) everything on a tray and (carry) it upstairs. After breakfast in bed she (go) back to sleep. She is used to getting up late.


Ответ дал: nk25g9wvrx
1. comes
3. turns
4. fill
5. boil
6. makes
7. doesn’t use
8. puts
10. puts
11. stirs
13. carries
14. goes

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