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1 All the resources are already employed.

2 Last year most successful firms used new steps in planning and controlling their finances.

3 After economic integration had grown, more and more nations became economically powerful.

4 The company will use credit to buy assets.

5 A considerable fall in employment has occurred in industry and
construction in the country.

6 Your report will be typed soon.

7 The speaker stressed the importance of the congress.

8 She was reading a letter at the moment

magiridons: Привет,можешь еще 3 задания сделать.


Ответ дал: SHIELD47


1. All the resources are already employed. (present perfect) (passive voice)

Все ресурсы уже задействованы.

2. Last year most successful firms used new steps in planning and controlling their finances. (past simple) (active voice)

В прошлом году наиболее успешные фирмы использовали новые методы планирования и контроля своих финансов.

3. After economic integration had grown (past perfect) (active voice), more and more nations became (past simple) (active voice) economically powerful.

После роста экономической интеграции все больше и больше стран становились экономически могущественными.

4. The company will use credit to buy assets. (future simple) (active voice)

Компания будет использовать кредит для покупки активов.

5. A considerable fall in employment has occurred in industry and

construction in the country. (present perfect) (active voice)

Значительное падение занятости произошло в промышленности и строительство в стране.

6. Your report will be typed soon. (future simple) (passive voice)

Ваш отчет скоро будет напечатан.

7. The speaker stressed the importance of the congress. (past simple) (active voice)

Спикер подчеркнул важность конгресса.

8. She was reading a letter at the moment (past continuous) (active voice)

Она читала письмо в данный момент

magiridons: Привет,можешь еще 3 задания сделать.
magiridons: Я их уже добавил.
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