Завершите предложения правильными пассивными формами глаголов в скобках. Не используйте сокращения.
How many smartphones ... in China every week? (to make)
When ... ? (this book / to write)
French ... in France, Canada, and a part of Switzerland nowadays. (to speak)
That football match ... by many people in 2018. (to watch)
Nowadays, a lot of clothes ... in Vietnam. (to make)
These photos ... by your brother. (not to take)​


Ответ дал: maxands


How many smartphones are made in China every week?

When was this book written?

French is spoken in France, Canada, and a part of Switzerland nowadays.

That football match was watched by many people in 2018.

Nowadays, a lot of clothes are made in Vietnam.

These photos were not taken by your brother.

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