118n LO the Bolshoi Theatre), Ex. 9. Put the verbs in brackets in correct form: 1. I asked Mary what she (to look for). 2. She said she (to lose) the key of her room. 3. An hour later she told me she (to find) the key lying on the table in the passage. She was sure she (to put) it there herself and (to forget) about it. 4. Mary said she often (to lose) things because of her weak memory. 5. My brother showed me the watch he (to buy) the day before and (to wish) to give to his wife on New Year's Day. 6. I asked him how much he (to pay) for it. 7. Ann asked him if they (can sell) her some of the flowers they (to bring) from home. 8. They said she (may have) as many of them as she (to like) and they (not to take) a penny for them. Ex. 10. Translate into English.​


Ответ дал: antonknkv


1. I asked Mary what she was looking for.

2. She said she had lost the key of her room.

3. An hour later she told me she had found the key lying on the table in the passage. She was sure she had put it there herself and had forgotten about it.

4. Mary said she often lost things because of her weak memory.

5. My brother showed me the watch he had bought the day before and wished to give to his wife on New Year's Day.

6. I asked him how much he had paid for it.

7. Ann asked him if they could sell her some of the flowers they had brought from home.

8. They said she might have as many of them as she liked and they didn't take a penny for them.

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