Срочно!! Нужно небольшое сообщение на тему неудачного путешествия. 15-16 предложений. В тексте нужно использовать некоторые, не все!!, из этих выражений: "Went wrong", "For a start", "To make matters worse", "Absolute nightmare", "Look on the bright side", "Off the beaten track", "heavy heart", "our next port", "to hit the road"


Ответ дал: annand81


My friend and I recently returned from a trip. Our journey cannot be called successful. There were many different difficult situations. Although someone can call these situations adventures.

From the very beginning, everything went wrong. We went biking on the highway towards the seashore. We wanted to take a little ride, and then have breakfast on the beach and swim in the sea.

We set off in a warm sunny morning, but the weather began to deteriorate quickly. For a start small rain began. But we had a good mood and went on. Then a strong wind rose and it became dangerous to go further. And then the road deteriorated. And we had to leave off the broken track…

With a heavy heart, we returned home. We decided next time to watch the weather forecast the next day.


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