

Ответ дал: AnastasiyaPirs99


wet - wetter - the wettest

busy - busier- the busiest

Little- less- the least

Аноним: помогите прошу!
AnastasiyaPirs99: попробовать можно
Аноним: сейчас
Аноним: 9. Tell him I ______ anything with him until I’ve spoken with my wife.
a) don’t discuss b) haven’t discussed c) won’t discuss d) didn’t discuss
10. I’ll start cooking after I ______ a rest.
a) had b) will have c) have had d) am having
11. When the war broke out, Mary ______ in Berlin for 6 years.
a) lived b) had been living c) has been living d) was living
12. The system ______ surprisingly well up till now.
a) works b) worked c) has worked d) is working
Аноним: 13. He ______ television before he went to bed.
a) has been watching b) was watching c) watched d) has watched
14. They ______ for ten days when they ran into a terrible storm.
a) sailed b) had been sailing c) have sailed d) were sailing
15. Eray ______ hard for the last three days.
a) worked b) has been working c) is working d) was working
Аноним: у меня осталось 7 мин
Аноним: вы поможете? мало времени осталось
AnastasiyaPirs99: 9 с ,10 have должно быть (может b),11 B, 12 c, 13 had been watching подошло бы(b сделайте), 14 B,15 b
AnastasiyaPirs99: потом если будут ошибки скажите пожалуйста, я только учусь мне нужно знать
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