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Ответ дал: vitaalinaiorgova


*Guitar is a stringed plucked musical instrument. It is used as an accompanying or solo instrument in many styles and directions of music, including romance, blues, country, flamenco, rock, jazz.

*Piano is a keyboard stringed musical instrument with a percussion method of sound production, created specifically for room music playing in small rooms.

*Drum is a musical instrument from the percussion family. It is common among most peoples, used as part of many musical ensembles.

*Violin is a bowed musical instrument with four strings tuned in fifths: Gm D1 A1 E2. The highest register variety of the violin family, below which are viola, cello and double bass.

*Dombra is a stringed plucked musical instrument that exists in the culture of the Kazakhs, Nogais, and Kalmyks.

*Tambourine is a percussion musical instrument of indefinite pitch, consisting of a leather membrane stretched over a wooden rim.

*Kobyz - Kazakh national stringed bowed musical instrument.

*Zhetigen is a Kazakh multi-stringed plucked instrument resembling a gusli or a recumbent harp in shape.

*Recorder - a longitudinal flute with a whistle device. It has seven playing holes on the front side and one on the back.


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