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Ответ дал: tarazyorken513


Сорри я не знаю............

Ответ дал: tucktuk



Dear Julie,

I was very happy to get your letter. I hope you are doing good.

In your letter you asked me about my spare time activities.

In my free time I like playing the guitar, drawing nice pictures and listening to music. I also spend a lot of time with my friends. We walk in the park, go skating, discuss our problems and watch funny videos on YouTube.

My parents think that I should go in for sports to stay healthy and fit. They recommend me to take up tennis or swimming. But they appreciate my present hobbies as well.

You wrote about your presentation. What will it be about? Will you prepare it by yourself or will your parents help you? What program will you use?

I am looking forward to hearing from you again. Give my regards to your parents.

Yours truly,


gibrion2005: Премного благодарен
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