3 Read the biography of Sofonisba again, Answer the questions, 1 When was Sofonisba born? She was born in 1532. 2 Where was she born? 3 Who did she study painting with? 4 Where did she study painting? 5 Who gave her ideas for her paintings? 6 When did she leave Italy? 7 Where did she live in Spain? 8 Who was Elizabeth of Valois? 9 Why did Sofonisba become famous? 10 Where can you see her painting of Philip Il today?​




Ответ дал: avag001geo


2.She was born in Lombardy in the north of Italy.

3. She studied painting with four of her sisters.

4. She studied in Italy.

5. Michelangelo gave her ideas for her painting.

6. She left Italy in 1559.

7. She lived in the palace of King Philip 2.

8. Elizabeth of Valois was third wife of Philip's.

9. Because she was a great painter.

10. You can see her paintings in Prado Museum in Madrid today.

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