There are not (some/any) flowers on the window.

I have got two (watches/watchs) on the table.

Are there (some/any) curtains in the bedroom?

There (are/are not) any armchairs in the sitting room?

There (is/are) two cups on the table.

How (much/many) eggs do you need ?

Can I have ( a few/ a little) apples, please.

There is much (papers/paper) under the table.

We do not want (no/any) tea.

He wrote the dictation with (a little/a few) mistakes.


Ответ дал: rubyalexon
3. are
4. many
5. a little
6. paper
7. any
8. a few
Ответ дал: Lil666Unicorn

There are not any flowers on the window.

I have got two watches on the table.

Are there any curtains in the bedroom?

Are there any armchairs in the sitting room?

There are two cups on the table.

How many eggs do you need?

Can I have a few apples, please?

There is much paper under the table.

We do not want any tea.

He wrote the dictation with a few mistakes.

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