8.Complete the sentences with the past simle or past continuous.
1)What____(you/do) when I____(call) you last night?
2) I____(sit) in a cafe when you____(call).
3)When you____(arrive) at the party,who____(be) there?
4)Susie____(watch) a film when she____(hear) the noise.
5)We____(play) tennis when John____(hurt)) his finger.
6)What____(they/do) at 10pm last night? It___(be) really noisy.
7)He___(take) a shower when the telephone____(ring).
8)When I____(walk) int the room,everyone____(work).​


Ответ дал: kalima43655774


1) what were you doing when i called you last night?

2) i was sitting in a cafe when you called.

3) when you arrived at the party, who's was there?

4) Susie was watching a film when she heard the noise.

5) we were playing tennis when john hurt his finger.

6) what did they do at 10pm last night? it was really noisy

7) he took a shower when the telephone rang

8) when i walked into the room, everyone was working


1) что ты делал, когда я позвонил тебе прошлой ночью?

2) я сидел в кафе, когда ты позвонил.

3) когда ты пришел на вечеринку, кто там был?

4) Сьюзи смотрела фильм, когда услышала шум.

5) мы играли в теннис, когда Джон повредил палец.

6) что они делали вчера в 10 часов вечера? было очень шумно

7) он принимал душ, когда зазвонил телефон

8) когда я вошел в комнату, все работали

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