a) I go to …. school in … morning, so I get up early.
b) I usually get up at … quarter past seven.
c) I go to … bathroom, turn on … water and wash my face and hands.
d) I have … breakfast in … kitchen.
e) I eat … porridge and … eggs.

2. Расставьте слова в предложениях по порядку
a) usually / at 10 o'clock / out of the garage / in the morning / drives / his bike / Fred
b) a shower / after dinner / often / Mrs Lewis / takes
c) a parking place / near the library / we / find / seldom
d) to / I / on / a / night-club / sometimes / Saturdays / go
e) fly / my parents / to Australia / sometimes / I / in winter / and

3. Вставьте глагол to be (am, is, are). Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными (общий вопрос)
a) They … students.
b) He … a pupil.
c) You … an engineer.
d) It … small.
e) I … a teacher.

4.Задайте общие, специальные и альтернативные вопросы к предложениям
a) We live in a small town.
b) She can lose her temper easily.
c) Mr. Black can play chess very well. (How…?)
d) The salad is not fresh. (Why…?)
e) They are football fans.
f) Her granny can tell fortunes from cards.

5. Образуйте множественное число существительных, сделав необходимые изменения во всем предложении.
a) The woman liked the story.
b) The white mouse is in the box.
c) The policeman is an American.
d) His wife is a secretary.
e) This is a sandwich with butter and cheese.

6. Соотнесите личную форму местоимений с притяжательной формой
a) I 1) his
b) You 2) my
c) He 3) their
d) She 4) your
e) It 5) her
f) We 6) our
g) They 8) its

7. Преобразуйте количественные числительные в порядковые
a) two
b) eighty-three
c) seven hundred and sixteen
d) twelve
e) twenty-five
8. Измените конструкцию (‘S / ‘) на конструкцию с предлогом OF
a) My sister’s name is Ann.
b) Your brother’s family is large.
c) His friend’s mother is dead.
d) Her children’s books are on the shelf.
e) Their parents’ flat is in the old block of flats.

9. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы
a) There are some English textbooks in the bookcase.
b) There is a picture on page 63.
c) There are children in the room.
d) There is a box on the floor.
e) There are new words in this text.

10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимение на повелительное наклонение. Сделайте предложения отрицательными
a) Let’s hurry home.
b) Let’s tell them this story.
c) Let her tell us about her work.
d) Let me show you some nice pictures.
e) Let them speak English.

11. Заполните пропуски местоимениями something, somebody, somewhere
a) I have … to tell you.
b) He knows … in New York.
c) Susie has … staying with her.
d) They want to go … hot for their holydays.
e) Keith is looking for … to live.

12. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Present Continuous Tense
a) She (not to cook) now.
b) I (have a shower).
c) Не (to study).
d) They (to have) their English lessons.
e) They (to go) home.


Ответ дал: sogdianatolibaeva00


1. a) ×, the

b) ×

c)×, the

d)×, the

e) the, ×

2. a)Fred usually drives his bike out of the garage at 10 o'clock in the morning

b)Mrs Lewis often takes a shower after dinner

c)We seldom find a parking place near the library

d)I sometimes go to a night-clubs on Saturday

3. a)are





4. a) Where do you live?

b)What can she do?

c) Does Mr. Black can play chess?

d)Why don't you eat the salat?

e)Who are they?

5. a) The women liked the story

b)The white mouses are in the box

c)The policemen are an American

d) Their wifes are secretary

e)These are sandwiches with butter and cheese

6. a)a-2







7. a) second

b) eighty-third

c) seven hundred and sixtieth

d) twelves

e) twenty-fifth

8. a) Name of my sister is Ann

b) Family of my brother is large

c) Mother of my friend is dead

d) Books of children are on the shelf

e)Flat of their parents is in the old block of flats

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