1) The girl is rather young; she mustn't / can't be awake so late.
2) I think you mustn't / can't work harder.
3) Mustn't/ Can't you sit still?
4) The car is his father's, we mustn't / can't take it.
5) Our teacher mustn't / can't be late for the classes either.
6) The water is rather hot, but I think you must / can drink it.
7) The soldiers must / can obey their officers.
8) You must / can pay for your lunch yourself if you want.
9) Must / Can I use your bathroom?
10) I must / can work harder, sol may be helpful.
2 Fill in can/can't or must/mustn't.


Ответ дал: im1not1with1you
1. Can’t
2. Mustn’t
3. Can’t
4. Mustn’t
5. Mustn’t
6. Can
7. Must
8. Can
9. Can
10. Must
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