Use words from Ex. 1 and the list below to give advice, as in the example. 2 • see a dentist. have warm drinks • take some cough syrup • take a painkiller • put some cream on get lots of rest 1 A: I've got a toothache. 4 A: B: You should see a dentist. B: 2 A: 5 A: AB B: B: 3 A: 6 A: AB B: B:​



Ответ дал: Sklavik


I'm sick

You have to drink warm drinks

I'm I'll

Here, take some cough syrup

I'm bleeding

Take a painkiller, I'm calling an ambulance right now

I've got acnes which are right on my face

don't worry, Put some cream on

My illness causes me to vomit

You should get lots of rest

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